• Painted pet portraits - Paintings from your pet's (dog, cat etc) photos - Pet photos to pet portraits
14th Anniversary Offer. 40% off. Hurry, Offer Ends 12 February! Click for details

Hi there!! I did receive my painting and Love it!!! Please let the artist know they did a wonderful job!!! I'll be more then happy to send a picture testimonial as soon as I get it framed! Thanks ever so much from the bottom of my heart!!

Amanda Warden, California

Oh My Goodness! I love it, it's beautiful. My husband is gonna flip, We look like we're standing on a tropical island instead of the silly cruise ship background. I will be buying many more portraits from you because this is amazing. You have made the absolute perfect anniversary gift for my honey, My husband will be blown away. I asked that it be beautiful because it is an anniversary gift for my husband and you did that. I am very gateful to the artist who painted this .thanks so much.

Sandra Jackson, Maryland

Absolutly Fantastic. Unbelievable talent! Thank you so much, can't wait to see it in person.

Catherine Corry, Dublin

Confirmed the painting, it was great. I loved it. Wonderful job, please tell the painter that I really love everything about the phot. They really captured their true features.

Terry Caro, Texas
Brand PaintMyPhotoNow